Nandita Somendra, an army wife and a teacher in an army school, started Nandita’s Creations in Pune in 2015 out of her sheer passion for Art. What started as a hobby has now reached new heights where she has started getting orders for her artwork. She believes art is kind of meditation for her. One can easily forget anxiety, stress, pain and negative thoughts while doing artwork.

Nandita did her PG in Botany and got married to an army officer in 2006. After marriage she did B.Ed and is currently working as a teacher in an army school in Pune. She was very much passionate for Art from her school and college days and used to play with colours, brush, needle and different type of cloth materials. As a working mother, she would get little time to pursue her hobby. In 2015, she got opportunities to explore and started attending workshops of art and craft and she learnt Mural art. She started making artworks whenever she had some free time. Impressed by her work, she received her first order from a boutique “Titli Creation” from Mumbai. She had made Canadian smocking cushion covers, key holders, painted and sticker jute bags for them. That was her first milestone of commercial success of her art work.

Enthused by the response, she then created her facebook page and started uploading images of her artwork. She kept on getting positive reviews, people started liking her artwork and she was enjoying her work as she was also getting orders over facebook. However, as she runs her venture alone, she finds it difficult to manage different artworks at the same time. Like smocking cushion covers look very beautiful but need lot of time and hard work. As a result, she takes only as many orders as she can manage with her family commitments.

She loves to run her fingers with brush and paints on jute bags and other cloth material. She has lots of innovative ideas for beautiful and artistic mural nameplates. She uses bells, metal rods, different types of textures, coconut shells, broken glass pieces to make them more attractive. She also likes to make best out of waste and finds it real fun to create something valuable and beautiful using waste materials. She has made wall hangings by using waste cloth materials, bags using old jeans, dolls, puppets, etc and found that people liked them a lot. She has also done warli art, bottle art, patch work on clothes for wall pieces. She is passionate about Murals – an art which gives her mental piece and happiness. She also likes to share her knowledge with others and takes classes on murals, best out of waste, school projects, glass paintings, name plate making, wall hangings, etc.

When asked about what keeps her pursuing Art in-spite of a busy schedule as a working mother, Nandita says “Art is a medicine which gives energy to fight with our stress of day-to-day life and gives a positive attitude. It fills colours to the blank canvas of our life. I can’t imagine my life without art.“