MindSpark is the national level, annual technical festival of College Of Engineering, Pune (CoEP). One of the most awaited events in Pune, MindSpark is regarded among the best technical platforms in the country for showcasing engineering brilliance and competing among the best. Top colleges participate every year to compete for the coveted Technical Championship at MindSpark. Every event won during this Championship, that spans across three days, is a stepping stone to winning the coveted Champions Trophy. Team AISSMS were the proud winners of the Technical Championship this year. We present to you their success story.

Over 30 students from different branches participated in the event from AISSMS Institute of Information Technology and AISSMS College of Engineering of the AISSMS Group of Institutes. The members were selected from each branch in such a manner that there was a right mix of leadership skills, theoretical and practical knowledge, aptitude and problem solving skills and proven ability to work in a team environment. The events of the Championship spanned across 3 days between 23 – 25 September.
Disha Sonawane BE E&TC
Mansur Ali Shaikh BE E&TC
Nimish Borode BE E&TC
Khushabu Talele BE E&TC
Rajeshwari Kamble TE E&TC
Rishap Singh TE E&TC
Shivani Dange TE E&TC
Sonali Dasur TE E&TC
Karim Dinani TE E&TC
Moiz Sayed TE E&TC
Venkatesh Mahindrakar
Vivek Maurya TE E&TC
Vijay Maurya TE E&TC
Gulafsha Shaikh TE E&TC
Shriram Patil TE E&TC
Abhijeet Patil TE Civil
Nayan Talmal TE Civil.
Prasad Surywanshi TE Civil
Ajinkya Kulkarni BE Instru
Pratik Mahajan TE Instru
Maaz Shaikh TE Instru
Chaitanya Hemade TE Elect
Vinit Tirnagarwar TE Elect
Kiran Belle TE Elect
Ravi Belle TE Elect
Rushikesh Bhosale TE Elect
Parag Shelar TE Elect
Ashish Singh TE Elect
Priyanka Nikam BE Comp
Dipak Mali BE Comp
Chetan Kachre BE Comp
Onkar Jundare TE Comp
Azhar Mithani SE Comp
Umar Shaikh SE Comp
Day 1 – Team AISSMS starts with a bang
The First Round was a technical quiz with questions mostly from Computer and Electronics disciplines with negative marking for wrong answers. Team AISSMS completed the round with a good score. The Second Round was on the same day which was puzzle based wherein the teams had to solve a quiz to unlock a laptop. Once unlocked, the team then had to solve an AutoCad software challenge on the laptop. Team AISSMS not only unlocked the laptop much before the stipulated 10 min time interval but also cracked the AutoCad challenge successfully.
Day 2 – AISSMS Techies continue the momentum
The First round on Day 2 was a quiz based on Mathematics. Participating teams were asked to solve 5 challenging Maths sums. Team AISSMS successfully solved 4 out of 5 sums. The Second round was again a quiz based primarily on Basic Electronics. The team completed this round scoring full points. The Third round was kind of a teaser of Day 3. The teams were assigned a task to make a hand cannon with the given material in a time limit of 10 minutes that can throw a ball upto 2 feets. Team AISSMS was able to complete the task in the stipulated time and also fired the cannon successfully.
The credit for this Win goes to the faculty of our respective branches for their support and guidance to compete in this event
Team AISSMS, winner of Technical Championship of MindSpark 2016
Day 3 – Team AISSMS wins battle of Nerves
Based on Day 1 and Day 2 scores, AISSMS, GPP and BATU colleges were the three teams that qualified for the finals on Day 3. The focus on Day 3 was on rigorous testing of the skills of the finalist teams in application of core engineering concepts. In the First Round, the teams were asked to build, in 20 minutes with the given material, a propeller operated car that can travel on surface of water. In the next step, the cars from the finalist teams were to race against each other. Team AISSMS not only made the car in stipulated time but their car also won the race.

The Second Round of the day was a civil engineering activity. The team was asked to build a bridge, again in 20 minutes, from ice-cream sticks with dimensions of 4 units (L) x 1 unit (W) x 1 unit (H) (1 unit = length of an ice-cream stick). The bridge that can withstand max load was to be adjudged the winner. Team AISSMS not just made a robust bridge in the given resources and time, it also withstood a load of around 8.5 kg which was more than double the load that the bridge made by the team that came second could handle. The Third Round was an Electronics activity wherein the team had to defuse a logic circuit bomb. Team AISSMS won this round with bonus points for defusing the logic bombs in their first attempt itself.

And.. The Moment
At the end of the Day 3, when all the events of the Technical Championship were over, the team waited with bated breath for the results. After all, they had consistently performed well in all the three days and had put in tremendous efforts in each of the competitions they participated in. The moment the Event Coordinator announced Team AISSMS as the winner of the Technical Championship, the team erupted with loud cheers. All their smartwork had paid off and they knew it was the moment they would cherish for long – They were crowned the Technical Champions of Mind Spark 2016 !
