“What makes our life more enjoyable is our inherent ability to change. If you are not making a change, you are not growing”, is what this 20-year old student from Visakhapatnam believes in. Meet Sai Karthik Kumar Dharanikota, the buzzing student from GVP College Of Engineering (Autonomous), the topper of the college in the first year and the topper of Mechanical department for all four years.
Karthik was born on Jan 3rd ,1997 in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. When asked about his family background, he with a lot of complexion says that his father and mother are both doctorates and eventually studies became his highest priority. He too was not bad at studies and used to get good grades right from first class. His hobbies include reading spiritual and mythological epics, playing cricket and Chess, watching films and singing.
Schooling and Latter Education
In the starting stages of his education, he says that he relied much on ‘by-hearting things’ and letting them out on the examination paper and it explicitly fetched him very good grades. But as he faced the real challenge in Intermediate (to get into a reputed institution), he then understood what it is to face a competitive examination and that it takes a million times more than simply by-hearting things to sail through the exams. That was the cornerstone on which he built his study procedure.
I am the Class Representative for all 4 years now. I received many prizes since childhood, but if I rate them, I will give the first position to getting a good rank in EAMCET examination (2783).
Karthik Kumar
My Study Mantra Is…
When asked to share about his study mantra, he justifies that there’s only one simple MANTRA to study, enjoy it! When you cannot enjoy it, even heaven would feel like hell. But to enjoy something, we must completely understand it first. So, he personally believes in spending about 50-60% of the time available for studying in understanding every line of a standard textbook and interpreting it in his own way. Rest of the time should be devoted to solving as many problems as possible. The more practically feasible the problems are, the more you develop.
Hear from the ranker: Is education is everything in life?
Education doesn’t mean studying for hours and hours together but understanding how the world works and how diligent and humane we should be to live happily in this world. Education, in his view, refers to developing the ability to change ourselves according to the demands of the situation and act in a smart and moral manner to be able to make the most happiness out of the situation. So, Formal Education is not everything in life.
It’s all about Motivation!
Only one single thing drove me every day in all 4 years of graduation – Hunger to prove myself. I believe that in any field you choose, if you have that hunger and the ability to get what you want, you’ll certainly rise high.
Karthik Kumar
He adds, “Two factors assisted me till now. One is the love, support and encouragement I received from my parents. And other is the caring and positive motivation I get each day from spending time with my best friends who possibly bring out my potential.”
Meaning of life in his perspective
Lots of money with right mind to spend it wisely. Lots of love, with consciousness to love back equally. Lots of enthusiasm with ability to channel it properly. Lots of fun with morality to help the needy. Lots of love and affection towards parents. Lots of thanks and prayers to God for everything. This is life!
Future plans and goals
He says that even though it took a while for him to reap the crop, it is fetching him a lot. As he is sure about his performance in the 2018 GATE examination, he now is setting targets to get into an IIT or an NIT for further studies continued by job in the research areas like a scientist at established facilities. With that serving him some practical exposure, he then wants to try out his passion in manufacturing field in automobile industry.
A piece of advice for every student out there is
Great Success comes from great confidence. But Great confidence comes from great preparation.
Article presented by V. Sai Charan