Education plays a vital role in building the future of our nation by transforming lives and communities. We have several educator heroes who help students aim high and achieve their potential, often meeting and overcoming considerable challenges along the way. Recently Delhi based MT Research & Educational Services (MTRES) came up with Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA) 2018, to recognize the monumental role teachers play in our society as they instil a desire to learn and achieve and create tomorrow’s leaders. Meet one of the awardees, Vipin Vageriya, Assistant Professor and HOD of Child Health Nursing at Manikaka Topawala Institute of Nursing, constituent of CHARUSAT, Anand, Gujarat, who has been honoured with Promising Teacher Award in MTRES TEA 2018.
MTRES is doing excellent work in the field of teaching and education. It helps to spread knowledge through conferences and workshops. It provides a platform for young researchers to come forward and show their strength.
Vipin Vageriya
Mr. Vipin has more than 10 years of teaching experience. He completed his B.Sc. Nursing from Shri Rawatpura Sarkar College of Nursing, Datia, Madhya Pradesh, in 2006 and Master of Science in Nursing (Pediatric) from Rajeev College of Nursing, Hassan, Karnataka, in 2010. He also has diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Science (NDDY). He joined Manikaka Topawala Institute of Nursing in 2010 and has been associated with the institution ever since. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. from Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT), Anand, Gujarat.
Along with his post graduate students, he has carried out research projects in multiple healthcare related areas like febrile convulsion; essential new born care practices; cleft lip & palate; weight gain among low birth weight babies; impact of nuclear & joint family on child growth and development; pain reduction techniques during vaccination; school phobia, etc. Presently he is working on a research project about Thalassemia among reproductive age group women. Recently, he delivered a talk in Continue Nursing Education (CNE) on drug dose calculation.
He is author of Anatomy and Physiology for nurses & Allied Health Sciences published by Emmess Medical Publishers (ISBN-13: 9789386006547). He has reviewed many nursing books and competitive books. He is trainer for Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) of IAP. He has undergone four days training with GVK EMRI for Basic life Support, ECG and Pharmacology. He is district trainer for Neonatal Resuscitation Program. Recently, he completed Training of Trainer (ToT) certificate course for Mother-Child psychology and Feel Good Yoga.
He has participated in more than 20 international and national conference, workshop, and seminar. He has delivered many lectures in national conference and workshop. He is member of editorial board and reviewer of reputed journals. He was research paper evaluator in an international conference. He is member of many professional bodies like TNAI, NRSI and IANN.
He wears many hats apart from that of being a faculty. He is also ad-hoc inspector of Gujarat Nursing Council; Board of Study Member, University Press Coordinator and Central Assessment Coordinator at CHARUSAT; Coordinator of IGNOU Examinations; and Paper Setter, Dissertation Evaluator, External Examiner, Member of Advisory Board for multiple universities in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
Mr. Vipin keeps motivating his students to leverage the knowledge bank available in the form of online courses like SWAYAM, MOOC, NPTEL for their career growth. He takes extra efforts in creating awareness among his post graduate students about plagiarism, its ill effects on the integrity of their research work and the tools and techniques to detect and prevent it. He plans to conduct a research project to reduce prescription error in medication. He aspires to develop a digital solution in the near future that helps students to learn how to prepare a nursing care plan.
MT Research & Educational Services is an initiative to bridge the gap between academics and industry. It was founded in 2013 with the combination of industry, academic and research personnel. They execute various educational events (Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Short Term Courses, Trainings and Competitions) throughout India. They provide various educational platforms for direct engagement of students, academicians and corporates. They execute internships and placement drives also in colleges. Website