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State Board

Maths Educator of Govt. School of Khattra, Ludhiana honoured with MTRES Teaching Excellence Award 2019

Dr Saurabh Manro - MTRES Teachers Excellence Award 2019  - Ludhiana

Education plays a vital role in building the future of our nation by transforming lives and communities. We have several heros in education who help students to achieve their potentials and to overcome the upcoming challenges along the way. Recently Delhi based MT Research & Educational Services (MTRES) came up with the second edition of their Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA) 2019, to recognize the monumental role played by the teachers in our society to create tomorrow’s leaders as they instil a desire to learn and achieve. The awards celebrate the efforts of all those who go above and beyond to promote excellence within our education system. Meet Dr. Saurabh Manro, Teacher, Govt. Middle School Khattra, near Khanna, Ludhiana, Punjab, who has been honoured with Excellent Teacher Award in MTRES TEA 2019.

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Maths Teacher of Govt. School in Ludhiana honoured with MTRES Research Excellence Award 2019

Saurabh Manro - REA Profile

Our economy is based strongly on technology and innovation and research provides the building block upon which societal growth and advancement is hinged. Research has left an indelible mark on society and will forever be the basis for any genuine advancement in human society. Recently Delhi based MT Research & Educational Services (MTRES) came up with Research Excellence Awards (REA) 2019, to recognize the monumental role Researchers play in our society and to recognize the research excellence and contribution of Editors, Reviewers and Authors in their respective domains. Meet one of the awardees, Dr. Saurabh Manro, Teacher, Govt. Middle School Khattra, Near Khanna, Ludhiana, Punjab, who has been honoured with Promising Author Award in MTRES REA 2019.

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Passionate to build strong foundation for school students

Dr Saurabh Manro - Cover

Education plays a vital role in building the future of our nation by transforming lives and communities. We have several educator heroes who help students aim high and achieve their potential, often meeting and overcoming considerable challenges along the way. Recently Delhi based MT Research & Educational Services (MTRES) came up with Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA) 2018, to recognize the monumental role teachers play in our society as they instil a desire to learn and achieve and create tomorrow’s leaders. Meet one of the awardees, Dr. Saurabh Manro, teacher at Government Middle School, Khattra, Tehsil Khanna, Ludhiana, Punjab, who has been honoured with Excellent Teacher Award in MTRES TEA 2018.

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